Computing Revision

Revision notes for Scottish Higher, Intermediate and Standard Grade Computing

Intermediate 2 Computing


If you are sitting Intermediate 2, you may have studied Standard Grade last year. If so, any Standard Grade books or notes will be helpful for revision, as many topics are in both courses. S-grade notes are all relevant, except for Industrial and Commercial Applications. Int 2 has more emphasis on Computer Systems, and less on Applications than Standard Grade.

In Intermediate 2, you sit a 90 minute exam worth 70 marks. The exam makes up 70% of your overall award; the other 30% comes from the practical coursework task you completed during the year.

The exam has 3 sections:

* section 1 (15 marks) is made up of short answer questions on the 2 mandatory units - Computer Systems and Software Development.

* section 2 (30 marks0 consists of longer questions reqiring some problem solving ability, again covering the 2 mandatory units

* section 3 (25 marks) tests your understanding of the optional unit that you studied (Artificial intelligence, multimedia Technology or Computer Networking)

What do you need to know?


Mandatory units:

(you must study both of these)


Optional units

(you choose one of these)


Computer Systems

Software Development

Artificial Intelligence

Multimedia Technology

Computer Networking

Any questions?

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