Computing Revision

Revision notes for Scottish Higher, Intermediate and Standard Grade Computing

Standard Grade Computing Studies

General Purpose Packages


Word Processing

Here's a checklist of some Word Processing terms :

wordwrap, standard paragraph, search and replace, spelling check, grammar check, text alignment, tables and tabulation, standard letter, mail merge, header, footer.

Make sure you can describe all of these and that you are able to answer questions like "State two features of a word processing package that a news reporter might find useful" or "Describe one type of spelling error which may not be discovered by the spelling check feature".

The first can be answered simply - 'spelling checker and copy & paste' (it only asks you to state two features). The second asks for a description, so you would need to say something like 'a word which can be spelled in two ways, like their and there, and you have used the wrong one - the spelling checker has both words in its dictionary, so would not discover the error'.

Key points on Databases.

Be absolutely clear about the difference between a file, a record and a field.

Be able to describe how to sort records into order, and how to search a database for information - don't get confused between search and sort! A good example is Q2(a)(b) in 1998 General.

(a) "Describe how Kiran would use the database package to obtain a list of all customers in alphabetical order" (2 marks). Your answer should be along these lines "He would choose the SORT COMMAND (1 mark), and sort the RECORDS by the SURNAME FIELD (1 mark)" . In this type of question, use the correct terms "field" and "record", and make it clear that it is the software that sorts the record, not the user!

(b) "Describe how Kiran could .. obtain a list of all the customers eligible for this offer" (4 marks). A good answer would be "He would select the SEARCH COMMAND (1 mark). He would enter '1st January 1998' in the 'last order' FIELD and '<100' in the 'amount owed' FIELD as the two SEARCH CONDITIONS (2 marks). Finally he would PRINT the selected RECORDS (1 mark)."

You could also be asked about a search on two fields, or a sort on two fields, or a question which requires a search and a sort. Any database question which starts "Describe how ...." should always make you stop and ask yourself 'search or sort?'

If asked to explain why a database is better than a manual filing system like record cards, NEVER simply answer "quicker" or "easier". It is much better to write "It takes less time to find someone's record", or "It is easier to sort records into order".

You may also be asked about which field types to use (numeric, text, graphic, date, time, computed), and about searching a database, CD or the World Wide Web using keywords.

What about Spreadsheets?

Don't confuse cells, rows and columns!

Be able to describe some simple formulae, like =SUM(B2..B8), and how to make a bar chart, pie chart or line graph.

Make sure you can give an example of changing cell attributes (e.g. displaying numbers as currency, or to a fixed number of decimal places).

For Credit, you also need to know about IF formulae, and the difference between ABSOLUTE and RELATIVE references. Use an example to show that you really understand the difference.

Graphics, DTP, Multimedia and Web Page creation packages

Graphics programs are easy to use, but make sure you can name some of the drawing tools and their attributes (e.g. line thickness, colour, size).

You should be able to describe the benefits of using a wizard or template when creating a document, and explain how to capture and add images, audio and video.

Make sure you can explain hyperlinks and hotspots.

Any questions?

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